informative. challenging. engaging


MIGRATION MACHT GESELLSCHAFT (Migration Makes Society) is a non-profit association founded in 1988 and until 2020, was known as the ‘Interkulturelles Forum’ (‘Intercultural Forum’).

The renaming of our association is based on the understanding that SOCIETY is shaped by MIGRATION.  Founded on this premise, we recognise Munich as just such a city. The inclusionary and exclusionary mechanisms that are inherent in a migration society can only be adequately addressed if action and initiative are given primary importance.

Within a SOCIETY shaped by MIGRATION, we ACT in a developmental capacity with commitment to a more inclusive and cosmopolitan city in which all Munich residents can participate equally.

Our work is based on a broad understanding of inclusion and our initiatives continuously aim to reduce various forms of discrimination and their manifestations, with a particular focus on Munich residents who experience racism on different levels.

MIGRATION MACHT GESELLSCHAFT pursues this goal through the following:

  • Personal advice to people with migration backgrounds on a variety of issues
  • Advice on residence and asylum law issues in cooperation with Rechtshilfe München e.V. (Legal Aid Munich)
  • The hosting of events (seminars, exhibitions, readings, music etc.) on socio-political issues, global as well as local

The statutes of MIGRATION MACHT GESELLSCHAFT e.V. can be found here:

Migration macht Gesellschaft e.V. wird durch das Sozialreferat – Amt für Wohnen und Migration der Landeshauptstadt München gefördert.